Over the year, we will be offering a wide range of after school sporting and non-sporting clubs, which will change each half term. Clubs must be booked and paid for through Clubbly prior to the club starting and cost £1 per session.
Please note that homework club is offered FREE of charge. Children in KS2 also have the opportunity to go to the computer suite at lunch times to complete homework.
Click on the logo to take you to our online booking system, Clubbly:
Breakfast Club:
Breakfast Club is available every morning before school from 8.00 am. The cost of this is £2.00 per child per day and must be booked in advance. This is booked via Parent Pay and must be paid for in advance too. Breakfast club is open from 8.00 am and last entrance will be 8.15 am.
We do have limited spaces available, so you will need to check availability and book in advance.
We cannot accept arrivals who have not booked in through Parent Pay.
Our gates open for Breakfast Club from 7.58am to allow children to begin signing in ready for entry at 8am. Parents must remain with their children until staff open the main doors at 8am when breakfast club begins.
We do not take responsibility for your child until they have been signed in at Breakfast Club by a parent and entered into the main front doors of the school.
Wrap around care/after school childcare
We do not currently offer wrap around child care or after school care for child care purposes. We signpost parents to ABC Treehouse who do provide wraparound care and to drop off and collect children to and from our school.
ABC Treehouse offer breakfast club from 7 am each day and after school care/clubs from 3 pm - 6pm each day. They collect your child from our school using the "walking bus" model.
Their website is:
Their contact details are: 07961 400185