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Home learning

We ask that parents support their child in weekly homework to help practise and consolidate the learning from school. 

We ask that parents hear their child read at home at least 3 times a week for a period of 10 to 20 minutes each time.  We would like parents to aim for 5 home reads a week.

Reading at home significantly improves word recognition, fluency and language development, enabling them to access the wider curriculum with greater confidence.

We also set homework on Purple Mash to be completed each week.  Please check your child's log in to see what has been set and what has been completed.  Homework set will always be an opportunity to practice and consolidate what has been taught at school.

Teachers can see who has completed the set work and will be able to see how well they have done.

In the unlikely event of a school closure due to an unexpected event, we may set home-learning to be completed at home for your child.  Whilst this can never match the face to face taught curriculum, we will do our best to set work that will be in line with current, ongoing learning or consolidate skills and knowledge.  Work will be set on our Purple mash platform.

Please read our parents' guide to remote learning by clicking here.


We also have Times Table Rockstars for your child to access and SATS companion for year 6 pupils.

In addition to this, we have collated a list of online resources and websites that will be useful for you and your child (there are many, many more!) during this time:

For younger children (age birth to 5) please check out the Hungry little Minds website: Click here to access it

Our Remote learning policy can be found here

Here are some great fitness activity websites for your child too:

We are aware that during these uncertain times, some children may have their own questions and worries. We hope that the following documents will help you to support your children in understanding what the Coronavirus is, what it means to them and how their worries can be eased.

Why not try out some of these fun ideas to keep your child entertained while at home?

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