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As all children are expected to complete weekly homework. We offer children the opportunity to attend homework club one lunch time a week as part of our lunch time clubs.

Homework is set on a Friday and consists of:

- Reading (at least 5 times a week)

- Spellings (5 in KS1 and 10 in KS2) set on Purple Mash weekly

- Times Tables (TT Rockstars)

- English and maths activities on Purple Mash or SATS companion

- Year 5 and 6 - Maths set on SATS companion

Your child should have log-ins for Purple Mash (all children), TT Rockstars (Year 1-6), SATS companion (Years 4-6).

If you need to get a log in, or need a reminder, please ask at the school office.

Homework differs depending on the year group.

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